We Make Things Happen

LIFO® Resource Materials

It will help you understand your LIFO® Results, discover and manage your strengths, increase your awareness of your preferred behavioral styles in favorable and unfavorable conditions, and help you understand your impact on others.

Productivity Workbook

Enables participants to apply LIFO® strategies to their own unique strengths and styles and serves as review and reinforcement. Includes illustrative charts and summary tables, and step- by-step exercises for skill practice. It confirms personal strengths, areas of potential excess, and techniques for developing greater versatility and overcoming blind spots in planning, problem solving, and decision-making.

Interpersonal Communication Workbook

Enables participants to apply communication strategies to key relationships. It builds skills for recognizing others’ most preferred ways of communicating and translating one’s message to match. Also contains communication models and summary tables that show how to communicate in groups and with key people.

LIFO® Strength Feedback Chart

A 360° perspective that creates a positive environment for discussion. Feedback is centered on the strengths you see in yourself and reinforced by how others view your strengths in relationships to them; includes observed strengths and strengths to use more and less of. A tool for helping people to understand how to work more effectively on their own, or with teams.

Communication and Compatibility Strategies Slide-A-Style™

Communication Slide-A-Style™ indicates what people with different communication styles want to know and how best to communicate with individuals of each style.  The Compatibility Slide-A-Style™ provides a fast and easy way to find solutions to problems in key relationships and groups.

   LIFO® Styles LIFO® Application and Benefits